In Loving Memory of Sonny

Sonny was a 17 year old Dachshund.

His favorite toy was eating his blanket.  He never had toys.

His favorite treat was eating Vienna Sausages from Daddy.

Sonny loved to run the fence everyday!  He loved playing with his two sisters outside.  His DAD Lucky was is best friend!

Our favorite memory with Sonny is when we would get up in the morning and his butt would shake with excitement wagging his tail. We love our four legged friends and Thank Rome Pet Cemetery for their support through this horrible time.



In Loving Memory of Ellie

Ellie was a 13 year old Golden Retriever.

Her favorite toy was a stuffed teddy bear from Goodwill!

Her favorite treats were milkbones, hot dogs and McDonalds double cheeseburgers.

Her favorite thing to do was to go out in the car, whenever mom went… except in the hot summer weather… that was the time to enjoy the A.C. at home.

Favorite Memory was going to the lakes to swim, walking in the woods of Ritter Park behind the tennis courts, and of course Spring Hill Cemetery. Many walks there and met many friends along the walks, Also loved rolling and thrashing in the mud puddles Big or Small!

Rest in Peace Ellie

ellie winn 001

In Loving Memory of Zoie

Zoie was an 18 year old Tabby Cat.

Her favorite toy was rubber bands.

Her favorite thing to do was lay in the sun.

Her favorite treat was butter.

Favorite memory was sleeping on Mommy’s Pillow with one paw resting on Mommy’s head.

Memorial Have fun with your dog brothers up in Heaven-We sure miss you, You’ll always be our princess.

Rest in Peace Zoie.

In Loving Memory of Zoie

In Loving Memory of Bam Smallridge

Bam was a 5 year old Yorkie.

His favorite toys were  a yellow stuffed duck and a squeaky basketball.

His favorite thing to do was to go bye-bye in the car with Mommy.

His favorite treat was McDonald Chicken nuggets.

Favorite Memory Every second of EVERYDAY we were together.

Memorial: Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, Love leaves a memory no one can steal. Mommy will see you again one day on The Rainbow Bridge. Forever in our Hearts.   Love You BAM!

Rest In Peace Bam





In Loving Memory of Patsy

Patsy was 12 years and 8 months old.

She was a Collie-Shepard Mix.

Her favorite toy was a Soccer Ball.

She loved to go to Rotary Park and run while we played Frisbee Golf.

Her favorite treat was Chicken Nugget.

My Favorite memory is she survived Bladder cancer when she was 3 to live 9 more years.

She would always bark to let us know someone was outside. Best guard dog ever. She is survived by her Buddy Jessie, a 3 year old Beagle and Moe a 2 year old Tabby cat. She will be truly missed. She was born on St. Patrick’s Day and died on all Saints Day. This dog was a saint.

Rest in Peace Patsy


In Loving Memory of Mollie Vensel

Mollie was 15 years old.

She was a Tom Boy.

Her favorite Hobby was being outside.

Her favorite thing to do was Roam the neighborhood.

Her favorite treats were DAD’S leftovers.

My favorite memory was relaxing under the tree.

As a family we would like to say that Mollie had a heart of Gold & Blue. She was our Best Friend that always loved us.  R.I.P. Mollie We love and Miss YOU.

Rest In Peace Mollie Vensel

Mollie Vensel


In Loving Memory of Tetley

Tetley was a 10 year old Bichon Frisee.

Her favorite toy was a Piggy.

Her favorite thing to do was run and eat.  She loved to ride in the car and she loved to ride in her stroller.

Her favorite treat was cheddar cheese, buttered toast, chicken, milk bones, and maro snacks.

My favorite Memory is her laying on me to nap with head on my shoulder and eating the cheeseburger from Burger King after Chemo.

She didn’t like to be inconvenienced but she cooperated through cataract surgery, a splenectomy, and months of chemo.  She would occasionally have a bad day but bounced back.  She gave her love to us and stole our hearts.

Rest in Peace Teley Fields

Tetley Fields



In Loving Memory Bich Fields

Bich was a 17 year old  Bichon Frise.

Her favorite toy was a Mighty Dog.

Her favorite thing to do was walk around Central Park and take rides.

Her favorite treat was Pupperonis.

My favorite Memory is she loved to sat in the passenger seat of my RX7 and wouldn’t move to let anyone to set there.

She was Miss Personality-  She either liked you or stayed away if she didn’t trust/liked someone.  Everyone knew her and Loved her.  She was unique, smart, and always there to love you.

Rest in Peace Bich Fields

Bich Fields


In Loving Memory of Our Dog Lady Sydney Dean

Lady Sydney Dean passed in 2013

Lady was 14 years old Born on October 29th 1999.  Passed on October 17,2013.

She was a German Shepherd.

Her favorite toy was a Purple Rabbit.

Lady loved to chase balls and follow her family.

She loved Beggin Strips.

Our favorite Memory is Sydney Kisses, Sydney also being with you.

Sydney was a blessing.  She was full of love and affection and needed to be with us at all times.  She responded to hand signals and whole sentences.  Sydney was very sweet and gentle.

She was our beautiful “BABY GIRL” and she shall forever be loved and missed dearly.

Rest in Peace Lady Sydney Dean

Lady Sydney Dean