Ollie (Wiggles) was a 6-1/2 year old black footed Ferret. His favorite toys were balls, tunnels, loved playing in his two story box, that I made for him, playing in your tree house. Ollie’s favorite treat was Bandit’s Ferret Treats, his favorite was peanut butter. His favorite thing to do was he loved to do tricks for treats, roll over, sit, walk standing up on two legs, giving high 5. Ollie loved going outside. Snuggle in blankets with mommy. Helping mommy do everything, which included doing laundry to putting groceries away. He would play in the laundry basket, while I put clothes away, and loved snooping in every grocery bag or bag that came into the house. He loved sleeping with mommy and giving lots of kisses. Talking to mimi (grandma) on the phone. He would hear her voice and touch the numbers with his nose. Sometimes she got an ear full. My favorite memories include: The day I got you, the love you gave everyone. The excitement you had when people would walk through the door. Watching on the “Ollie Cam” while mommy was gone. Watching you drink out of your water bowl, and drive it all over the kitchen floor. Splashing water everywhere. You climbing up in peoples laps to see what they had good to eat. The best one was when you got a nose full of Cool Whip. You loved every minute of it, came back for more.
Rest in Peace Ollie (Wiggles)