In Loving Memory of Babette

Pets name:  Babette
Age : 15
June 2, 2006 – July 17, 2021
Breed : Boston terrier
Favorite toy:  She had a variety of babies that she kept in her basket over the years, amongst her favorites were her fishes, rattle ball and tiny pig. All of them eventually finding their way into our bed.
Favorite treats: cookies, all the cookies.
Favorite things to do: sunning, road trips, chasing ocean waves , playing with her toys, Saturday morning kisses and sleeping in with her parents while snoring as loud as a full grown man.
For such a little thing she had the biggest personality.  Babette acted more human than dog most days. Through multiple surgeries and health issues, we had her for 15 loving years. I joked she was my lemon dog and I wouldn’t have it any other way. Babs was our little girl. Our piglet. We will forever be grateful for getting to be her family and the time we shared.
We said goodbye for now on 7-17-21. We will love and miss you everyday.
Rest in Peace Babette
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