Petie was a 12 year old Mix/Rescue.
His favorite toy was “The Red Ball” which was not a ball nor red!
His favorite treat was Oinkies.
Petie’s favorite thing to do was bark in the morning until I would take him for a walk. He loved to go for a walk and I loved to take him. I miss him so much.
Favorite memories~ Petie’s first toy was a red rounded triangular shaped treat dispensing toy. I would load it with treats and he would roll and bat it around until finally a treat would come out. I would tell him “Go get the red ball” and he would run around the yard and house until he found it and would bring it to me. Twelve years I shared with this precious puppy and I must have bought 10 different “Red Balls” but none after the first were red! My friends thought I was color-blind, but only Petie knew. Finally during the last years of his life, He learned to simply lay down with the ball in his mouth and tilt his head back and all the treats would fall out!
Rest In Peace Petie