Lovingly known as Chichi, was the most uncanny companion I could have ever hoped for. She was the last choice in the shelter, but she quickly grew into the most unique and loving cat one could ever have the pleasure of knowing. When I saw her strange, crooked, velociraptor claws, I knew her weirdness was meant to be shared with me. Chichi was never the lap cat that I had anticipated, but that made every snuggle and sandpaper kiss even more special. Though she was spoiled with gifts, nothing could ever defeat the appeal of a stray zip tie. She had such a gift for finding them in the floor despite us never knowing where they originated. She was an object of affection for all who knew her, and to have pet her was a privilege that few ever got to experience, because she loved to run from everyone but her adoring parents. She was too dramatic for this earth, and she knew it. The 3 years we had with her were filled with irreplaceable moments of joy, laughter, and infinite love.
Rest in Peace Chinsei