Miss Kitty Evans
13 year old mixed pound puppy
We lost our furry daughter and long time companion Miss Kitty on 1-22-2020. She was our first one. We spotted her at the local animal shelter and had to take her home with us where we shared many wonderful memories together. Miss Kitty’s furry companion passed just 5 weeks prior to her own passing. She was very sad her furry companion wasn’t there anymore.
Miss Kitty was a friend to everyone. Everyone loved her and she loved everyone. She seen them all come and go over the years. She got along with all people and animals.
She loved going bye bye and sticking her head out the window on her way to the lake. When we got there she would run all over the place and would get in the water.
Miss Kitty, we love you and you will be very dearly missed.
Rest in Peace Miss Kitty