In Loving Memory of Ace

Tribute to Ace

My sweet Ace was with me for 11 years.  He saw me through many ups and downs and was always there for me with a greeting full of unconditional love.  He lost his human daddy two years into his life and I am certain was greeted by him in heaven.  Ace was a pound puppy that had the best life in our home.  He slept in bed with us, enjoyed countless dinner treats and gave back more love than we could ever give to him.  His favorite treat was anything you were eating and he loved to bury his nose in a dirt hole and bark at nothing.  Ace was family to many households because they always took a piece of him home when they left…mostly dog hair.  J

He parked himself under the dining table at Thanksgiving and breathed hot air on your legs so you knew to slide him a piece of turkey.  He would push a flat rock all over the yard and pick it up with his paws then roll on his back to toss the rock only to do it over and over again. He was lucky enough to catch one squirrel, out of the hundreds he chased, in his lifetime.  He also loved to chase bubbles in the backyard and the occasional swim around the pool.

I already miss his comfort and pray that he had a good life here on earth because he certainly made my life sweeter.

Ace Maynard.  November 2007-December 13, 2018.

Rest in Peace Ace


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