In Loving Memory of Layla

Pet’s name: Layla

Age: 4

Breed/Type: Brown & White Striped Domestic Short Hair

Favorite Toy: Toy Mice

Favorite Treat: Temptations

Favorite thing to do: She loved to chase rabbits!

Favorite Memory: Layla first came to me in the winter. It was freezing cold, and I knew she was homeless. She was wary of people, but I took a chance and threw a treat toward her. Wouldn’t you know it would land perfectly in front of her. She ate the treat and jumped the fence to come to me. From that day forward she was my girl. Every day, she would wait for me at my car door when I arrived home from work. She would then jump on the table and meow at me to give her wet food. Afterwards, she would bail in my lap and bite my nose and scratch my legs. She was my girl and I love her very much.

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