In Loving Memory of Fitzgerald

Pet’s name: Fitzgerald Allawishes Peabody Sayre Doeffinger
Age: 11 1/2
Breed/Type: Wire-haired dachshund
Favorite Toy: Anything fuzzy he could shred.
Favorite Treat: Sandwich cheese slice
Favorite thing to do: Anything outdoors. He loved to be outside swimming, hiking, chasing animals and sunbathing. He also was an escape artist that loved to try to figure out if the fence in any particular yard was secure. However, everyday of his life he went on “patrols” of our yard. Covering every square inch before he would come inside.
Favorite Memory: Fitzgerald was a fixture in our lives. There is no particular one memory that I can really pinpoint in that he was a part of our wedding party, lived in three states- Florida (he loved the water and chasing the lizards and frogs), Tennessee (he loved the Smoky Mountain hikes that we took him on and was particularly fond of killing the moles and opossums in our backyard), West Virginia  (he was born there and died there, he loved “home.”), slept in beds only and refused foods that other dogs would only be so lucky to eat. He had about 100 nicknames but my favorite was Mr. Deeds given to him by husband shortly after they met. He was a definitely a grab life by the horns kind of dog. He taught me so much about how short life is and how everyday should be better than the last.
Rest in Peace

Rest in Peace

Rest in Peace
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